Saturday, November 15, 2014

On Ministry, Moving, and . . .Funds

Our youngest son, James, and I helped out yesterday with a homeless outreach. It was eye-opening for both of us but the most heartbreaking thing was seeing one of "my" girls attending as one of the homeless folks. This particular lady is middle-aged, from Zuni, and told me once that she used to be a silversmith and her work was featured in Arizona Highways magazine many years ago.

Over the past several months we've made some major moves that will help us in reaching people like this particular woman: we bought a car that is reliable and affordable to drive, we bought a house and moved to Gallup, and lastly, John and Anna are now attending a charter school in Gallup enabling them to attend college while finishing high school (and freeing up me for more ministry). 

All of these changes position us for the ministries that we're involved in: Steve in his pottery ministry (more about that in a minute), and me (Katrina) in my ministry to the ladies.  These changes also, however, cost money--and that too has been something near and dear to our thoughts and hearts. We've mentioned this before, but for the last three years we've received less than half of the money we need to survive--an average of about $1300 a month. Since the mission has given us a stipend we've been able to survive, but the stipend is ending, and in fact is already nearly half gone. The simple fact is that we've got to raise more monthly support in order to continue doing ministry in this area.

As I think about this homeless woman--I've been thinking about her a lot since the temperatures tomorrow are supposed to be 16 degrees--I can't help but wonder if Steve's pottery/art ministry would be the thing that might break the bonds of alcohol, helplessness, and hopelessness that she lives in. She's an artist, and apparently a pretty gifted one.

Steve's plans for the future are to open an open studio and pottery in downtown Gallup. He sees this as a place that people like this lady can come to, and through both creating and also the healing environment of a Christ-based ministry be healed. He sees this as a vibrant part of the community, a place where people can feel the difference, and most of all a place where God is honored through art.

Steve has started working on this ministry by creating objects of his own, relearning skills he's forgotten and learning new ones in anticipation of teaching others about them. You can connect with what he's doing by checking out his Facebook page called RT3 Arts. He's also working on starting a new non-profit organization that will run this ministry. The first step in this process is to pull together a board of directors. Please pray for him as he approaches individuals with this in mind and gets a group together who will work for the ministry and give it the right foundation and vision for the future. 

My plans in some ways already are happening: mentoring women, working with women, and seeing them whole, healed and taking their place in the body of Christ as productive members.  One issue that God seems to be highlighting right now is the education level--or lack of education--among so many around here. One gal I work with is reading at a third grade level, another can't pass the college entrance exams, another needs help reading and in increasing her vocabulary. All of these things are something that I feel very passionate about, and after my experience home schooling, I am well qualified to help the ladies in this area.

Thanks so much for praying for us as we work in this area. With 50% unemployment, alcoholism and drug abuse rates more than twice the national average, and way too many people below the poverty level the task is sometimes daunting. We have some very specific ways you can pray for us as well.

1) Settling into the "new" old house. We have had to have some pretty extensive sewer work done. We don't have the bill yet and are trusting God will provide exactly what we need to pay this bill. Also, the Homeowners insurance is going to cancel our insurance unless we put a new roof on. We got an estimate on this work and it would cost us $5300. We don't have that money right now. Pray for either provision of this amount of money, or for provision for a different home owners insurance company.  Steve also needs a few hundred dollars to hook up the gas line to the kiln before he can fire any more pottery.

2) Pray for Steve as he works on putting together a non-profit and a board of directors to direct the work he's doing.

3) Pray for wisdom for me, I so need to know how to work with the ladies each and every day. Their situations in may ways seem hopeless, but I believe that our God is the God of Hope and am trusting in Him.

4) Continue praying for us to receive more monthly support. We've received a few one-time gifts which have really, really helped with the expenses of the move, but we continue to need monthly, regular support--even small amounts make a big difference. (I'm reminded of one amazing "widow" woman who used to send us $10 or $15 a month--what a HUGE treat it was to see her regular monthly support coming in and to KNOW that she was praying for us regularly). As you pray would you ask God if maybe you too should be part of our ministry team? If so, drop me a note at and let me know what God has laid on your heart. We'd love to hear from you!

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