Friday, April 24, 2015

April Update

Since we last sent an update we’ve been very busy with  work, ministry, and family obligations. In this edition of Marti News we’d like to share some glimpses into where God has taken us these last few months. 

 Pottery Ministry

 The Pottery Ministry has been moving forward on many fronts: Steve has joined up with a Gallup non-profit called Gallup Arts and is actively working out of their studio, Art123 (below right) located in the heart of Gallup.  He’s also working with the University of New Mexico’s Community Development Center and will be teaching an art class to inmates in the local jail this summer.

The rest of his time is taken up working on Western Indian Ministry’s books, as well as teaching at the local UNM branch.  He’s super busy, but loving every minute of it, especially the pottery work.

Ladies Ministry

 Katrina has taken a 3/4 time job at Home Depot locally, but still manages to spend quite a bit of her spare time counseling with, and helping some of the ladies she’s worked with up to now. Issues like mental illness, addiction, and domestic violence are familiar themes in her conversation.  She continues in her ministry at our local church, Lighthouse International, of teaching in and leading the Set Free ministry. 

Speaking of Set Free, Katrina was really blessed the other day while talking with one of the ladies, only to find out that one of the other ladies Katrina had invested in early on, has taken this lady under her wing and was ministering in some very intense ways to her. There’s no greater joy for a missionary than finding one of their disciples discipling others.
Because the needs around here are so great,  Katrina has signed up with Western New Mexico University working toward her degree in Social Work. Classes start for her this summer. 


Many of you have known our children since they were quite small. When we committed to become missionaries Anna was just 18 months old. For that reason we couldn’t let this issue of Marti News pass without sharing with you our pride and joy in Anna’s high school graduation. This fall, she will be headed to Silver City New Mexico to go to college at Western New Mexico University. Anna plans to also study social work—maybe at least a bit as a result of her involvement in the Set Free ministry these last few years. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A safe place

Spent this afternoon with one of "my" (Katrina's) girls. Many of you know her because I've talked about her before, but Kim is one of the girls I've worked with for the past three years. For Kim, who suffers from a panic disorder, our home is a place she can be safe: a place she can relax and rest, and be her funny, fun-loving self. I'm glad she feels this way about our home, and am so grateful that Steve and the kids are patient with my bringing home my many friends. Sometimes doing so is out of their comfort zone, and honestly. . . inconvenient, and so I'm grateful for their patience.

Kim's panic issues are somewhat cyclical and here lately they've been much worse than normal. That's meant that she's been at our house quite a bit as well as in the hospital. A few short weeks ago when she ended up here she was in very bad shape. It was heartening to see her sit in our living room and simply sleep for a few hours before I drove her to the hospital to be evaluated.

Kim and her daughter, Naomi
New Years Day (night) our Set Free Bible Study decided to meet and have a special time before the Lord rededicating our lives to Him for this coming year. It was a great blessing to see Kim really blossoming in her role as an intercessor for others. For an hour or so out of both of our lives, we both were able to forget about her disability and see her becoming "more than able" in the power of Him who resides within her.

With the start of the New Year, the Marti household too has experienced some changes.

John and Anna start a new semester at their Charter High School/College. Both of them are enrolled in all college classes this semester and doing incredibly well. We're all having to adjust though as their schedule now is roughly 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

James and I have started a new semester home schooling, but are trying to sign him up for an online homeschooling program that will free up a bit more of my time.

Steve has started teaching an English class at UNM, and is back working in the business office at Western Indian Ministry part-time. He is also still working toward starting his pottery ministry and has found one option he's seriously considering where he could work in a very small studio space downtown for minimal cost. This would allow him to get started in actually doing it, meeting people, and using art as a means to reach people for Christ, while also being something he can do with a minimal cost and time commitment. With his "work" schedule that's about all he can do at this time--but he's excited to be able to be working toward that.

I have found a temporary job which is helping us make ends meet. I'm looking into full-time work, not because I want to give up my ministry to the ladies, but simply because it seems to be what I need to do at this time. This, of course, will severely cut down on the time that I can spend with the ladies and I'm having to put several projects I was working on on the back burner. I'm hoping and praying that working this way is only a temporary thing and I can once again work with the ladies full-time. . . offering them a place of refuge, love, and support as they struggle with problems that seem insurmountable.

Would you continue to pray for us in this area of financial support? We hate to keep asking, but it has been a steadily growing problem for us which has now hit the "critical" stage in our lives and which has to be dealt with.

Thanks for your prayers, and for your faithful support of us in this ministry. We simply cannot say how grateful we are to be here, and know that you guys have got our back!

Katrina for the Marti family

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Freedom, Christmas, and the abundant life

Merry Christmas everybody!

Last night I (Katrina) had the privilege of sitting in a prayer/counseling session where a woman was set free from longstanding fear and anger. It was a great experience to sit and watch her experience the freedom of forgiveness, and knowing she, herself, could hear from our Lord personally. I'd share more details but the session itself is protected by privacy, but I wanted to share a little glimpse of the work that I do that I don't talk about much--helping people experience freedom in Jesus Christ.

As we go through the Christmas season, I'm reminded that setting captives free was one of the things that showed the world who Jesus was. He sets us free, and not only that uses us to bring that freedom to others!

I mentioned in my last prayer letter the homeless woman. Since that time, however, she's been accepted into the Christian women's shelter and each and every week when I see her, tells me how amazing the change in her life is. . . and truthfully, she looks 100% better--like a different women. Last week at Bible Study she shared with us that she had served in the homeless ministry and how it was a surreal experience to be on the other side of the serving counter. Thanks so much for praying for her, and for our ministry to her.

As we approach Christmas too, I'd like to ask your prayers for two things that are very important to us right now.

The first is for additional finances. We mentioned before the expenses we've had in moving in: they were much, much bigger than we expected (blocked sewer, need for a new roof, having to get alternate insurance and more), and we're still sorting through them.  The bottom line is that we need some BIG divine intervention in that area. As a side note on these things, Steve has found recently that getting his kiln hooked up--which is necessary for him to continue creating--is going to cost much more than he expected, maybe up to $2500.

The second is related to our finances too: because of our need for more income immediately, we're both looking for work. Would you pray that the doors that are perfect--the doors that God has for us would open and we'd KNOW where He'd have us work?

Our desire is to continue in ministry and we believe that God is bringing things together for us to contribute to "setting the captives free" in this area. Thanks for praying with us as we work toward this.

Lastly, we hope, and pray that you and yours have the merriest of Christmases, and experience the blessing of God in every aspect of your life.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

On Ministry, Moving, and . . .Funds

Our youngest son, James, and I helped out yesterday with a homeless outreach. It was eye-opening for both of us but the most heartbreaking thing was seeing one of "my" girls attending as one of the homeless folks. This particular lady is middle-aged, from Zuni, and told me once that she used to be a silversmith and her work was featured in Arizona Highways magazine many years ago.

Over the past several months we've made some major moves that will help us in reaching people like this particular woman: we bought a car that is reliable and affordable to drive, we bought a house and moved to Gallup, and lastly, John and Anna are now attending a charter school in Gallup enabling them to attend college while finishing high school (and freeing up me for more ministry). 

All of these changes position us for the ministries that we're involved in: Steve in his pottery ministry (more about that in a minute), and me (Katrina) in my ministry to the ladies.  These changes also, however, cost money--and that too has been something near and dear to our thoughts and hearts. We've mentioned this before, but for the last three years we've received less than half of the money we need to survive--an average of about $1300 a month. Since the mission has given us a stipend we've been able to survive, but the stipend is ending, and in fact is already nearly half gone. The simple fact is that we've got to raise more monthly support in order to continue doing ministry in this area.

As I think about this homeless woman--I've been thinking about her a lot since the temperatures tomorrow are supposed to be 16 degrees--I can't help but wonder if Steve's pottery/art ministry would be the thing that might break the bonds of alcohol, helplessness, and hopelessness that she lives in. She's an artist, and apparently a pretty gifted one.

Steve's plans for the future are to open an open studio and pottery in downtown Gallup. He sees this as a place that people like this lady can come to, and through both creating and also the healing environment of a Christ-based ministry be healed. He sees this as a vibrant part of the community, a place where people can feel the difference, and most of all a place where God is honored through art.

Steve has started working on this ministry by creating objects of his own, relearning skills he's forgotten and learning new ones in anticipation of teaching others about them. You can connect with what he's doing by checking out his Facebook page called RT3 Arts. He's also working on starting a new non-profit organization that will run this ministry. The first step in this process is to pull together a board of directors. Please pray for him as he approaches individuals with this in mind and gets a group together who will work for the ministry and give it the right foundation and vision for the future. 

My plans in some ways already are happening: mentoring women, working with women, and seeing them whole, healed and taking their place in the body of Christ as productive members.  One issue that God seems to be highlighting right now is the education level--or lack of education--among so many around here. One gal I work with is reading at a third grade level, another can't pass the college entrance exams, another needs help reading and in increasing her vocabulary. All of these things are something that I feel very passionate about, and after my experience home schooling, I am well qualified to help the ladies in this area.

Thanks so much for praying for us as we work in this area. With 50% unemployment, alcoholism and drug abuse rates more than twice the national average, and way too many people below the poverty level the task is sometimes daunting. We have some very specific ways you can pray for us as well.

1) Settling into the "new" old house. We have had to have some pretty extensive sewer work done. We don't have the bill yet and are trusting God will provide exactly what we need to pay this bill. Also, the Homeowners insurance is going to cancel our insurance unless we put a new roof on. We got an estimate on this work and it would cost us $5300. We don't have that money right now. Pray for either provision of this amount of money, or for provision for a different home owners insurance company.  Steve also needs a few hundred dollars to hook up the gas line to the kiln before he can fire any more pottery.

2) Pray for Steve as he works on putting together a non-profit and a board of directors to direct the work he's doing.

3) Pray for wisdom for me, I so need to know how to work with the ladies each and every day. Their situations in may ways seem hopeless, but I believe that our God is the God of Hope and am trusting in Him.

4) Continue praying for us to receive more monthly support. We've received a few one-time gifts which have really, really helped with the expenses of the move, but we continue to need monthly, regular support--even small amounts make a big difference. (I'm reminded of one amazing "widow" woman who used to send us $10 or $15 a month--what a HUGE treat it was to see her regular monthly support coming in and to KNOW that she was praying for us regularly). As you pray would you ask God if maybe you too should be part of our ministry team? If so, drop me a note at and let me know what God has laid on your heart. We'd love to hear from you!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

July and August tidbits

The past six weeks have passed by so quickly we can't hardly keep our thinking right. A bunch of things have happened, and rather than "tell" you all about them, I thought I'd show you a few of them.

Chris and Heidi Owens
The first, and maybe most exciting thing was that my son, (Katrina) Chris Owens got married to Heidi Penrod. The wedding happened in Prescott Arizona, and was beautiful.
Steve continues to perfect his technique in anticipation of teaching and creating with other artists as a ministry.

As soon as we got back from the wedding, we made the decision to move the pottery ministry to Gallup. We've talked to a lot of people, and believe this is where the ministry can be most effective. When Steve talked to Francis Bee, head of the Downtown Improvement District he told Steve that he'd been waiting for someone just like Steve to bring something like this downtown. While the ministry will be off-reservation, Gallup, being a border town, has a population of about 50% Native Americans, and on weekends and holidays that population swells with Natives from two reservations coming into town to do shopping and enjoy some R and R.

One of the children involved in Set Free Ministries
I, Katrina continue to work in Set Free ministries. This summer I've had a bit of time to do some one-on-one counseling. It's been nice to spend a bit more time with some of the ladies, and I have seen some results from this time spent one-on-one. One exciting development was the salvation of an adult son of one of the ladies. He's in rehab now, but last Wednesday put his faith in Jesus. (Thanks for praying for Joseph as he completes his rehab program.(

The last thing we've done here recently has been to talk, talk, talk to people. Our highest priority at this season in our missionary service is to develop a team that will support us in this journey. We've been missionaries for 16 years now, and over the years some of our strongest supporters have been unable to continue supporting us due to death, family issues, or other personal reasons. The bottom line is that we've got to broaden our support base: We need people who are willing to pray for us, to encourage us, and of course to give financially as well.

If you or someone you know would be willing to join this team (I suppose you're already on this team if you're getting this newsletter), would you let us know? We can be reached at any number of emails, including this one, on Facebook, by telephone (505-371-5557), or by snail mail (P. O. Box 9090, Window Rock, AZ 86515.).   Also, if you're on Facebook we've opened a new Facebook Page called LifeHouse Pottery and Arts. If you "like" us, you'll get regular updates on the pottery ministry.

Finally, we'd like to just continue to say thank you! We really couldn't do it without you.

Katrina and Steve Marti

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Fruit, God style

This morning Anna told me that she has to go to the school today to help instruct a visiting group in using their puppets. What's really cool about that is that many of you helped her to go on a mission trip this last fall. In her time on this mission trip she listened to an instructional video about ministering through puppets "a million times"  and learned how to use puppets in ministry.

One of my favorite things about God is how He doesn't waste any experience, but instead uses it for His kingdom. Because Anna went on a mission trip back in the fall, now she can help some teens who are on a mission trip here, ministering at the Rodeo and Carnival going on here this week.

Thanks for praying, loving, and supporting us--and our kids! 

Would you also keep John in prayer this next couple weeks? He had an opportunity to go to Northern California and work construction for a couple weeks next to the man who is in charge of re-constructing our Dorm here at the mission. We're praying for John that this is a life-changing, and defining time.

Lastly, my son Chris is getting married the 19th of this month. Thanks for praying along with us for the wedding, and also for blessing in this next step of his life. I've not written much about Joe and Chris, my older boys, because they haven't lived with us for many years, but of course they're very near and dear to my heart. Thanks for your prayers for Chris, and his fiancee Heidi.


Saturday, June 28, 2014

Fundraising.. . .grrrr

Hi all, as we think back over this past month we realize that life has been made up of small little activities instead of any one really big thing. In that vein, we'd like to share with you some of those "bits."

The most important "bit" we've been working on is fund raising. In the last fifteen years our support has gone up and down, but with Steve being so very busy in the business office for the past three years there's really been no time to put into developing partners who are willing to sow into our ministry. With some of our long-term partners having to make life changes, this has resulted in our ministry being seriously underfunded. . . while we remain confident that God will meet all our needs, it's also important that we do our part too. We ask that you join us in praying for us during this time. Pray that God will lead us to ways to support our ministry, as well as people in whom God is working to support this work.

As we think and pray about developing partnerships, one area we'd like to step out into more is the area of educating churches about Mormonism. As you know, we came from that background, and know quite a bit about it. We've also done ministry in this area so have stayed current with what the LDS church is teaching. Katrina has a book that she's written to LDS people coming out of the LDS church that's been a GREAT help to many. Steve also has been active in this ministry and is running the mentoring program for the Institute for Religious Research out of Grand Rapids, MI. We would love to share more about Mormonism, and especially about how YOU can reach out to your LDS friends and co-workers in love and compassion while holding to the truth of God's Word. If you or your church would like to have a seminar on this, please contact us--we'd love to share more about our heart for the LDS people, and God's heart for them as well.
Katrina signing her book Making the Journey from Mormanism to Biblical Christianity

In addition to support raising, Steve has also been working in the pottery relearning how to do all the things he used to do. This has been super exciting as he's working through making "test tiles" as well as doing bigger tests on bowls. It's sometimes a slow and tedious progress, but also exciting to see. Every time he opens the kiln it's like Christmas!

The kiln in the midst of firing

Katrina and the kids finished school for this year the end of May! As you can imagine they're all excited to have a bit of a break before next year starts. Next year, however, will be a big change for them as John and Anna will be attending a local charter school in which they'll attend college classes for dual high school/college credit. James will continue to be home schooled (and probably will be a bit lonely).
John, Katrina, Anna, and James at Jemez falls after the end of school

Katrina continues in the ladies ministry that she works in as well as in her ministry as housing and hospitality coordinator for Western Indian Ministries. In addition she's also started doing one-on-one counseling of some of the ladies who need more help and encouragement than the larger Bible study provides. Please pray for her as she transitions to doing more and more ministry with the ladies.
Katrina and Janelle, one of the ladies she works with

One of our greatest needs, and one we ask that you pray for, is newer vehicles. Starting in August John and Anna will be traveling to Gallup four days a week for school and Katrina will be traveling to Gallup at least one more day a week. (This is a round trip of sixty miles.) The vehicles we have now are not reliable and use quite a bit of gas. Would you pray for us to obtain a newer vehicle that gets better mileage?

Thanks for praying with us and for us. We truly can't say how much we value your care, concern, and support in so many ways!

Katrina and Steve Marti