Friday, April 24, 2015

April Update

Since we last sent an update we’ve been very busy with  work, ministry, and family obligations. In this edition of Marti News we’d like to share some glimpses into where God has taken us these last few months. 

 Pottery Ministry

 The Pottery Ministry has been moving forward on many fronts: Steve has joined up with a Gallup non-profit called Gallup Arts and is actively working out of their studio, Art123 (below right) located in the heart of Gallup.  He’s also working with the University of New Mexico’s Community Development Center and will be teaching an art class to inmates in the local jail this summer.

The rest of his time is taken up working on Western Indian Ministry’s books, as well as teaching at the local UNM branch.  He’s super busy, but loving every minute of it, especially the pottery work.

Ladies Ministry

 Katrina has taken a 3/4 time job at Home Depot locally, but still manages to spend quite a bit of her spare time counseling with, and helping some of the ladies she’s worked with up to now. Issues like mental illness, addiction, and domestic violence are familiar themes in her conversation.  She continues in her ministry at our local church, Lighthouse International, of teaching in and leading the Set Free ministry. 

Speaking of Set Free, Katrina was really blessed the other day while talking with one of the ladies, only to find out that one of the other ladies Katrina had invested in early on, has taken this lady under her wing and was ministering in some very intense ways to her. There’s no greater joy for a missionary than finding one of their disciples discipling others.
Because the needs around here are so great,  Katrina has signed up with Western New Mexico University working toward her degree in Social Work. Classes start for her this summer. 


Many of you have known our children since they were quite small. When we committed to become missionaries Anna was just 18 months old. For that reason we couldn’t let this issue of Marti News pass without sharing with you our pride and joy in Anna’s high school graduation. This fall, she will be headed to Silver City New Mexico to go to college at Western New Mexico University. Anna plans to also study social work—maybe at least a bit as a result of her involvement in the Set Free ministry these last few years. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A safe place

Spent this afternoon with one of "my" (Katrina's) girls. Many of you know her because I've talked about her before, but Kim is one of the girls I've worked with for the past three years. For Kim, who suffers from a panic disorder, our home is a place she can be safe: a place she can relax and rest, and be her funny, fun-loving self. I'm glad she feels this way about our home, and am so grateful that Steve and the kids are patient with my bringing home my many friends. Sometimes doing so is out of their comfort zone, and honestly. . . inconvenient, and so I'm grateful for their patience.

Kim's panic issues are somewhat cyclical and here lately they've been much worse than normal. That's meant that she's been at our house quite a bit as well as in the hospital. A few short weeks ago when she ended up here she was in very bad shape. It was heartening to see her sit in our living room and simply sleep for a few hours before I drove her to the hospital to be evaluated.

Kim and her daughter, Naomi
New Years Day (night) our Set Free Bible Study decided to meet and have a special time before the Lord rededicating our lives to Him for this coming year. It was a great blessing to see Kim really blossoming in her role as an intercessor for others. For an hour or so out of both of our lives, we both were able to forget about her disability and see her becoming "more than able" in the power of Him who resides within her.

With the start of the New Year, the Marti household too has experienced some changes.

John and Anna start a new semester at their Charter High School/College. Both of them are enrolled in all college classes this semester and doing incredibly well. We're all having to adjust though as their schedule now is roughly 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

James and I have started a new semester home schooling, but are trying to sign him up for an online homeschooling program that will free up a bit more of my time.

Steve has started teaching an English class at UNM, and is back working in the business office at Western Indian Ministry part-time. He is also still working toward starting his pottery ministry and has found one option he's seriously considering where he could work in a very small studio space downtown for minimal cost. This would allow him to get started in actually doing it, meeting people, and using art as a means to reach people for Christ, while also being something he can do with a minimal cost and time commitment. With his "work" schedule that's about all he can do at this time--but he's excited to be able to be working toward that.

I have found a temporary job which is helping us make ends meet. I'm looking into full-time work, not because I want to give up my ministry to the ladies, but simply because it seems to be what I need to do at this time. This, of course, will severely cut down on the time that I can spend with the ladies and I'm having to put several projects I was working on on the back burner. I'm hoping and praying that working this way is only a temporary thing and I can once again work with the ladies full-time. . . offering them a place of refuge, love, and support as they struggle with problems that seem insurmountable.

Would you continue to pray for us in this area of financial support? We hate to keep asking, but it has been a steadily growing problem for us which has now hit the "critical" stage in our lives and which has to be dealt with.

Thanks for your prayers, and for your faithful support of us in this ministry. We simply cannot say how grateful we are to be here, and know that you guys have got our back!

Katrina for the Marti family